E.F. Johnson Valiant 1 & 2, Rotary-Bandswitched VFO Output Settings/Overtone Display Setup (Important: This can be used with other transmitters as well).
1 1.800.0 to 2.000.0 MHz. 1.800.0 to 2.000.0 MHz.
2 1.750.0 to 2.000.0 MHz. 3.500.0 to 4.000.0 MHz.
3 7.000.0 to 7.300.0 MHz. 7.000.0 to 7.300.0 MHz.
4 7.000.0 to 7.175.0 MHz. 14.000.0 to 14.350.0 MHz.
5 7.000.0 to 7.175.0 MHz. 21.000.0 to 21.450.0 MHz.
6 7.000.0 to 7.425.0 MHz. 28.000.0 to 29.700.0 MHz.
Note: For the overtone modes, the VFO frequency tuning steps are also multiples of the fundamental; for example, in switch position 6, a 1 kHz step will result in a 4 kHz step on the display (and at the transmitter output); etc. So, for finer resolution, you may want to switch to the 100 Hz step (which will also be multiplied accordingly).
Within each band you can hit the “Save” button and save a favorite frequency. Then when that rotary position is switched in again, the saved frequency will come back up.
Contact WA1FFL for details at j.hagerty@att.net. A 9-position rotary switch is included, along with a pc board for the rotary switch interface circuitry; all other components are included. Three auxiliary bands are also available for special user requirements (total of nine rotary-switched VFO bands).